Psilocybin Therapy Services in BC
Psilocybin Therapy Services in BC
Psilocybin-assisted psychotherapy is emerging as a powerful treatment for anxiety, depression and other mental health issues. But for this to be effective, patients must have a safe environment and therapist to guide them through their experience. This is why psilocybin should be taken only in licensed facilities and by trained professionals. Using unlicensed facilities and untrained people can result in unpleasant or even dangerous experiences, which are known as “bad trips.” More info
Psychedelic drugs are restricted under the Food and Drugs Act and Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (CDSA). But since January 2022, healthcare practitioners can apply to Health Canada’s Special Access Program (SAP) for authorization to administer them to individuals with certain medical conditions.
Psilocybin Therapy Services in BC: Where to Find Trusted Providers
HPBC has recently published a report on the safety of psilocybin in clinical settings, citing research that found no significant harms associated with its use when administered under supervision. However, the report notes that more work is needed to establish the long-term effects of psilocybin used in therapeutic contexts, particularly for those with serious or chronic mental illnesses.
A major obstacle to psilocybin research and practice is the lack of funding. A palliative care physician, Valorie Masuda, is seeking a Health Canada grant to fund her study of 64 terminally ill cancer patients on Vancouver Island who will be provided with a safe supply of psilocybin and have their experiences guided by therapists. Her study would be the first of its kind in Canada.